Ulrike Haase’s work focuses on an inclusive health policy so that women with disabilities can have equal access to the health system. Her work therefore includes advocating for overcoming all barriers – physical-technical barriers as well as communicative barriers and barriers in the mind. Disabled women and men are often confronted with stereotypes and bias in their environment.
Her professional background includes adult education. She started as a state-certified educator with courses for the further education of educators. Later she studied economics at the FHW-Berlin on the second educational path. After graduation, she worked there as a lecturer. Among other things, she helped set up a study project on the topic of „racism/anti-Semitism“ and co-developed a study programme in women’s studies. In addition to her theoretical and academic work, she gained her first experience with the training method. Her concern at IDJ is to use elements of anti-bias training for prejudice-sensitive work by and with people with disabilities and to develop an intersectional concept.
In addition to her work at IDJ, she works for the Netzwerk behinderter Frauen Berlin e.V. (Network of Disabled Women Berlin), where she is responsible for the representation of disabled women’s interests in health policy, intercultural opening and advises disabled women on social and socio-legal issues.