The basis of our educational and counselling work is based on the anti-bias approach from South Africa, which we develop further for various professional fields of action such as personnel recruitment, counselling, teaching, research and examinations. Anti-bias starts with personal attitudes and experiences and relates them to structural power relations in order to develop responsible, inclusive and empowering ways of acting with people and organizations.
Our focus is on raising awareness of one’s own prejudices and biases as well as breaking down barriers and discrimination based on gender, Race, migration, disability, and neurodiversity.

Anti-Bias / Anti-discrimination
Raising awareness of prejudices and power relations – actively combating intersectional discrimination
Based on the anti-bias approach, our anti-discrimination trainings address prejudices, norms and power relations as preconditions for discrimination and encourage a conscious approach to these. They involve different forms and levels of discrimination and address all people in their roles as potential perpetrators and victims of discrimination. Anti-bias training is experiential and action-based. Some of the goals of the anti-bias approach include reflection on cognitive and emotional learning processes, own internalized cognitions.

Implicit Bias
Reflecting on one’s own biases – making better decisions

Our trainings on reflecting on and overcoming implicit biases make people aware of their own likes, dislikes and other decision-relevant patterns and reveal what these have to do with socially widespread stereotypes. As implicit biases, these influence the perceptions, evaluations and decisions of individuals. Implicit, often also called unconscious bias trainings, are particularly suitable for participants who have to make relevant decisions for others with limited information, often under time pressure, e.g. in personnel selection, exams or medical emergencies.
We are a colourful and heterogeneous society and it is good that way!
For us, living diversity in organizations means both finding a credible commitment and a strategy to reduce intersectional discrimination and making the productive and emotionally positive effects of diversity in ourselves, in our teams, organizations and institutions tangible. On the way to a discrimination-critical and diversity-sensitive organizational culture, norms and privileges are questioned and spaces for empowerment of other and diverse perspectives and affiliations are opened.

Developing awareness of discrimination, enabling participation and implementing diversity in a power-critical way

In our trainings, we impart professional competences in dealing with diversity in a competent, appreciative and non-discriminatory way. We think discrimination reduction, diversity-sensitive communication and professional quality standards together and focus on professions and fields of activity that we ourselves practice or have practiced, e.g. education, counselling, social work, trade union work, university teaching and administration, legal and justice systems.
Counseling und Coaching
Living anti-discrimination and diversity individually and concretely
We offer individual coaching and counselling on various topics for which we offer training and workshops. Managers can question their biases on individual settings and design strategies for dealing with employees in an unbiased and diversity-sensitive way. For small and medium-sized enterprises, we offer external anti-discrimination counselling and training of internal complaints bodies to support AGG compliance.

Reducing discrimination concretely by dismantling barriers

We examine your spaces, events and work processes for barriers and develop ideas together with you on how you can reduce existing barriers in your organizations. In addition to structural and architectural barriers, we also look at language and other communicative barriers as well as ableist norms that exclude and discriminate disabled people. The focus is on small, realistic steps to open up your organization and your services.
On the following links you can find an overview of our workshops and trainings that have been held on intersectional topics of Ableism, Racism and Hetero/Sexism at different Universities:
Ableism intersectional
Wenn Rassismus und Sexismus auf Ableism treffen, BIWOC* RISING Berlin
Queering Disability: Intersectional Perspectives on Disability, Race and Sexuality
Beyond Heteronormative Structures and Spaces: Examining the Interlocking Dimensions of Discrimination in Academia and Establishing Intersectional Feminism in the Archives, Freie Universität Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin
Towards Anti-Racist and Anti-Sexist Teaching, the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies (JFKI), Freie Universität Berlin
Gender and Disability in Anti-Racism Engagements: Analyzing Critical Intersectionalities, the University of Jena
„If many little people, in many little places, do many little things, they can change the face of the Earth.“
(African proverb)